Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Just Another Griefer

You saw me in the shadows,
I know you must have,
the silver in the black.
You didn't know long I'd been there,
You didn't know from whence I came.
A guardian angel, arrived far too late.

They took your spirit,
but not your fight.
A stolen soul, but not a lost cause.
Even when it holds no meaning to you,
you fight on, you trek forward,
You make me see how wrong I am.

Not just another griefer,
Just another believer,
Not just another one.
Don't tell me you can make it on your own;
You need me as much as I do you.

They need you more.

(A/N: I would like to thank Fred Gallagher for MegaTokyo, particularly for Miho, whom the line "Just another griefer" is attributed to. I don't really think the poem has anything to do with the comic, though. However, depending on how you read it, it could...)


  1. i like it. i should probably re-read megatokyo though b/c i didn't even notice the miho reference until you pointed it out in the end. i don't want to say it sounds pretty, because it doesn't. that wouldn't be the right word for what it is. so i'll just stick with i like it. which reminds me of a story. next time we talk as me to tell you the amanda-"i like it" story. ...ick. sorry this came out to be so long.

  2. It's not meant to sound "pretty."
    I don't mind long comments, really.

  3. you shouldn't say things like that around me. you know very well what i could do when it comes to length... unless thats an invitation?

  4. i scared you, didn't i. hehehehe

  5. its about STDs. its some dude that wants to sleep with her, but she won't because he has an STD and she refuses to be "another one" and get infected. --not birth.

  6. If you ignore some of the other lines then yeah, sure, why not.
    By the way, when Penguin told me about your comment, i Laughed so hard.
